This past week at the men’s retreat, we learned a lot about call and being “on mission.”   We learned that Imageevery Christian has a calling, a gift, and a place to begin “going”, whether that be in our home, our church, or our “work” (everything else).  

I was reminded yesterday, listening to an excellent sermon by Tim Keller, that going on a “radical”  mission with God is safer than being comfortable without him.  But a call to be “RADICAL” will look different for all of us.  The one consistent theme amongst all of our missions, however, is that they will always include a call to LEAVE whatever makes us SECURE and to GO without understanding how everything will work out.  It is a call to walk a path where our only confidence is that Jesus has said, “follow me.”.  

I would encourage everyone to listen to Keller’s sermon.  It is about Abraham and his calling to leave everything he knows and follow God into the unknown.  

You can hear  or download it at this link:.