Jesus’ Cup Check

2010-04-18T15:40:00+00:00By |Note to Self...and Others, Random Thoughts|

I have always enjoyed the older translations of Ephesians 6.14 concerning the armor of God.  Usually, the text says something like "GIRD YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH."  Such a translation always required greater explanation from the youth pastor because few understand "girding"  though we all have a sense of what "loins" are.   With or without explanation, I always imagined getting ready for the spiritual battle like Rambo: I'd put my headband on, lace up my military boots tight, fasten my three foot knife to my side, put on my Holy Jockstrap, and charge out to the fight the demons! I've found it helpful to make sure I have my "cup of truth" on before Jesus himself has to give me a quick check.  When I don't, and He does, it hurts.   All of us need a cup check from Jesus periodically, to make sure that we are being led by the [...]