What super-power have you always wanted?  Many of us probably remember the League of Justice.  These were the comic book heroes that, no offense, were like the white trash of comic books.  Every knew that Marvel had better superheroes because the Man of Steel which laser eyes, freezing breath, ability to fly, was just a bit too much. 

Do you remember the wonder twins? You probably remember their stupid monkey “gleek” which, upon entering high school, I found out was a method of spitting that I could never do.  For their power, the wonder twins would touch hands and each could take the form of something.  The girl could take the form of any animal and the boy could take the form of anything made of ice.  Other than being purpose, the girl’s power made some sense-“form of a bear…eagle…dog.”  The boy, however, never made any sense to me.  How do you become an “Ice-Tank” or an “Ice-flame thrower.”  Even at a young age I was not easily entertained.

This post is actually about pastors, to remind people that they don’t have super powers.   There is one super-hero, his name is Jesus.  All of us are pretty much Lois Lane.  Now you know that pastors don’t have ESP…you know, the power to learn things or obtain information supernaturally.  So, when James writes in 5.14, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord,” the burden is on “him” to call.  In other words, the elders don’t know you’re sick unless you call. They don’t know you’re struggling with addiction, that your marriage is hurting, that you need financial assistance, that you’re struggling, suffering, or otherwise unhealthy UNLESS YOU CALL!

So, instead of assuming the pastor is going to fly into your life and help you, because he knows what is going on by way of some super power, talk to your pastor.  Your pastor loves you, please help him.  You’ve got make so noise Sheep!