Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
100 BEST blogs
Do you read blogs? I often wonder how people find so much time to sit and surf the web for random thoughts. But, I figure if they have time to update their facebook status every time the make a sandwich, go to the bathroom, or have a pleasant thought about someone, then there is plenty of time to read some good musing. So, if you haven't read blogs before, don't START searching--someone has already done [...]
Church Planting #15: What’s Next?
LESSON #15: YOU'LL ALWAYS BE ASKING WHAT'S NEXT?The "seven year itch" was the title of a 1955 play, made into a movie. You know the one that made Marylin Monroe famous for walking over a vent that blew up her skirt. It has been used by Psycho-babbling fools to describe what happens after seven years of marriage--namely, the relationship becomes stagnate and unexciting. As a church planter, I think it is fair to call my [...]
Church Planting Lesson #14: No one is ever bitter.
LESSSON #14: No one is ever bitter.When you become a pastor, it will only be a matter of time before you make a decision or statement that will be unpopular with someone. As pastor, you have the wonderfully horrible privilege of speaking the hard truth, making the hard call, and doing the hard things that won't please everyone (not even sinless Jesus could do that). AND, when you "get" to make those hard choices, there [...]
Speaking vs. Preaching
SPEAKING: "Jesus loves you." PREACHING: " Jesus loves you; and you wouldn't love Him unless He did. Jesus is King and Lord and Savior. He created this world and everyone on it. Though the world owes him allegiance, obedience, and worship, the world has chosen to sinfully rebel, seeking after their own desires, finding meaning, hope and security in all created things, practicing and affirming all kinds of perversion as proof of their darkened heart's [...]
Loads vs. Burdens
As we continue in my "versus" rant, I've linked Driscoll's helpful explanation of the difference between LOADS and BURDENS. It's excellent.http://www.theresurgence.com/concern-responsibility
Godly Grief vs. Worldly Grief
Are you repentant? Paul describes the nature of true repentance in his 2nd letter to the Corinthian church, chapter 7.5-13. In it, Paul all but apologizes for the previous letter that he wrote. Scholars differ on whether this letter is 1Corithans, whether 1Corinthians is in fact two letters, or if we have it all. Whatever the case, Paul's words were HARD and they were received like a punch on the nose. But Paul does not [...]
The Story of God through Art
Follow the below link to see a cool picture of the "story of God".http://www.christcommunity.org/AboutUs/GodsStory/tabid/251/Default.aspx
What men mean for harm, God means for His Glory
You'd have to be a mole trapped in a hole to have not heard of Hamas. Hamas is the leading militant Palestinian 'political' group, classsief as a terrorist organization by the United States, an acronym Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamat al-Islāmiyyah, meaning "Islamic Resistance Movement". As I have been studying Habakkuk, I came across the Hebrew Word for Violence "HAMAS", meaning ”malicious conduct intended to injure another. This word appears a number of times in Habakkuk's prayer as [...]
Church Planting Lesson #13: It’s not hard to kill a church
LESSON #13: IT'S NOT HARD TO KILL A CHURCHThis lesson is very sobering, not mine to write, and hopefully to never experience. Originally posted by Ray Ortlund's Christ is Deeper Still blog 'How to wreck your church in three weeks'Week One: Walk into church today and think about how long you’ve been a member, how much you’ve sacrificed, how under-appreciated you are. Take note of every way you’re dissatisfied with your church now. Take note [...]
Church Planting Lesson #12: Everyone has to eat
LESSON #12: EVERYONE HAS TO EAT FEASTThere is a saying that goes, 'You are what you eat'. Upon reviewing a curriculum on addictions, I came across a concept that struck me as important--feasting. As the book explained, feasting is a biblical principle "expressing the nourishing of our souls" in something. We are supposed to feast on Jesus, the very glory of God. Instead, we often find ourselves "feasting" at the buffet of the world. And [...]
Church Planting Lesson #11: Flaming Emails
LESSON #11: FLAMING EMAILS BURN PEOPLEI process through writing. When dealing with a conflict or difficult question, I'll often write down a response in 5-10 pages--it's cathartic, kind of like this blog. As our culture has moved more and more into the world of written communication, I have developed a love hate relationship with email. Email can be both good and bad. Like facebook, blogs, or twitter, email alows you to say things that you [...]
Church Planting Lesson #10: Satan hates church plants.
LESSON #10: SPIRITUAL WARFARE IS REAL.I grew up in a smorgasborg of church flavors. I was baptized as an infant in a covenant church, attended baptist and community churches, then went to college at a Pentecostal school. All of these groups approach the spiritual realities of our lives differently, some don't mention spirits or demons at all, while others find one under every rock and sniffle. When we first planted the church, we read all [...]
Church Planting Lesson #9: Walking the Line
LESSON #9: IT IS HARD TO TO WALK THE LINEI wrote this article some time ago. It is, I think, about what it means to live out our faith in the tension. Typically, we're more apt to live out our faith with ease resulting in either in liberal indulgence or legalism. We are supposed to walk the line between self-indulgence and self-righteousness...it's called self-denial...a life like Jesus. But self-denial is much more than just depriving [...]
Church Planting Lesson #8: Not Even Jesus Helped Everyone
LESSON #8: NOT EVEN JESUS HELPED EVERYONE.There is a tendency for pastors to pretend they are superman. I used to wonder what pastors did with all of their time. I imagined them sitting like some old-school Rabbi spending every waking hour studying scrolls. Getting paid to read the Bible didn't seem like that hard of a job. Then I became a pastor. I realized very quickly that a pastor is synonomous with "brokeness magnet". It's [...]
Jesus and Disneyland
My family and I just returned from a trip to Disneyland. We probably walked a marathon as we traversed the "magic kingdom". Not too much has changed since I first went there nearly 30 years ago. For some things this is good for others it is bad. The old Swiss Family Robinson House is now the "Tarzan" house because no one has ever heard of that famous family. The 20,000 Leagues under the Sea sub [...]
Church Planting Lesson #7: You’ll never feel like you’ve arrived
LESSON #7: YOU'LL NEVER FEEL LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING.After people ask my why I wanted to plant a church (read lesson #1), quite often the next question is, "how are you qualified?" This isn't asked directly like this mind you, it is more cryptic like, "where did you go to seminary?" or "where were you a pastor before?". Early on I was very intimidated by this question because I didn't really know what [...]
Church Planting Lesson #6: Fast Come Fast Go
LESSON #6: THOSE EXCITED MOST QUICKLY EXIST JUST AS FASTWhen your first starting church and you want to determine "how big" you are, you count every adult, child, and dog that is nearby. No matter what a pastor tells you, numbers do matter in their mind. They say they don't think about them, but it is incredibly hard not to. I am not suggesting that numbers mean everything only that they meaning something--not all good [...]
Church Planting Lesson #5: Beware Beer
A lot of young church plants, in an effort to declare their freedom in Jesus, have missed the point entirely. Mounting their attack against the legalists of the world, they fail to heed to Apostle Peter's warning to, "Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God." (1Peter 2.16). Within the first 6 months of our church plant, we appeared in an article [...]
Church Planting Lesson #4 – Hope to see your a$% in church
LESSON #4 - HUMOR & MARKETINGWhen we first planted the church we produced some humorous ads to shake things up a bit. The ads ran the gambit of appropriateness--all of them made me laugh. We found that they were well received by the non-Christian culture and that Christians completely hated them. We only mailed out a few one time, but most of the time we left them in the hands of our people to distribute [...]
Church Planting Lesson #3 – the sin of autonomy
LESSON #3 - THE SIN OF AUTONOMY..guiltyI probably would have been too prideful to admit this the first year we planted. The truth is, we live in largely a reactionary culture, or at least we live like we do. We make many of our decision not because we have determined them as right, biblical, or wise, rather, because they fit what we have already determined is right. We make decision to avoid bad experiences, little [...]
Jesus hates Facebook
I don't know what Jesus feels about facebook, but my guess is that he thinks it is from the devil. I realize that everyone has their own personal "reconnection" story where their long lost __________ was found. I still find it curious that people who have hundreds of "friends" don't realize that they actually don't have that many friends, or that the world cares what they had for breakfast, what their frustrated with or looking [...]
Church Planting Lesson #2 – Loving Jesus
LESSON #2 - YOU HAVE TO LOVE JESUS MORE THAN YOU LOVE PEOPLE.I've heard it said that you cannot love God without loving people. I couldn't disagree more. I don't believe you can love people unless you love God, more accurately, unless you know God's love as seen in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. There is a reason why Jesus said the greatest and first commandment was to "Love God". If we love [...]
Church Planting Lesson #1 – don’t plant
Some day I'll probably write a book. I don't want to write a book so that I can make a name for myself, but becuase writing is how I process. You ask me a question, I'll respond with a 10 page paper. It is what I do. So, in the next few weeks I am going to process online the goods and bads of church planting over the last three years. Who am I kidding, [...]
Tattoo’d like Jesus
After all the talk, I finally got my first tattoo. Until I planted a church I never really considered getting tattoo. In other words, this wasn't an event I have been looking forward to for 15 years. It seems that tattoos have become a bit more culturally acceptable which has resulted in everyone getting really stupid things permanently embossed on their bodies. As a high school English teacher, I used to make fun of students [...]