
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”


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Am I a Christian? A simple “self”-test from 1John.

1JOHN 1 TEST v. 6 – 7 Do you walk in the light or the darkness? If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. V.8 -9 Do you believe you are a sinner? if [...]

By |Categories: Note to Self...and Others|

On Keeping and Saving….

Wednesdays are when I spend most of my day on sermon prep.  I usually go to my nearest second office (read Starbucks) and spend several hours reading and studying.  I can say with confidence that I am one of "those guys" who probably irritate the baristas because I spend a $1.65 to rent a table for a couple hours.  Today was no different other than the fact that my wife and I are now running [...]

By |Categories: Church Plant Lessons 101|

A Hackneyed Gospel-Everything

If you are anything like me, I have grown weary of seeing the word "gospel" attached to everything. We have gospel-centered, gospel-driven, gospel-community, gospel-doctrine, gospel-communication, gospel-marriages, gospel-everything.  There is nothing wrong with the word, but I fear its overuse will eventually make it meaningless...or worse.  I agree with what I believe is the intent behind the use of these compound words. Authors, bloggers, pastors, and teachers are all addressing heart motivation.  The last thing they [...]

By |Categories: Culture and Christ, Random Thoughts|

Monday Morning Preacher: Hope & Suffering in Ruth

For the month of July, we are taking a pause from our study of the book of Judges and spending time in Ruth.  After 15 weeks of disturbing stories with disturbing characters, we get to spend four weeks in a short love story. But this is not your typical love story about a knight in shining armor finding a princess to save.  It is that, but much more.  In truth, the story pictures not only [...]

By |Categories: Re:Sermon|

For Freedom Christ set us free…for free

So, there are a lot of things that Christianity has become defined as...and as I have talked to different people, I have learned one thing that it IS NOT understood as, one thing that all of those TV shows, individuals and churches have in common, is that for some reason, people do not see that the gospel of Jesus Christ is FREEING.   They see religion.  They see control.  They see oppression.  The concept of being set free is, in [...]

By |Categories: Note to Self...and Others|

Nine BOLD things I learned from the Acts 29 Retreat 2012

Each year, the lead pastors, of the Acts 29 Network, gather together for a time of rest and reflection.  This year, we gathered in Newport, CA.  With all the new leadership changes in Acts 29, this year's retreat served as an important time of realignment.  My hope is that that, over the next year, Acts 29 will become more faithful and more certain of what it is, and what it is not.  I don't say that [...]

By |Categories: Church Plant Lessons 101|

Monday Morning Preacher: The Call of Gideon

This should be called "Tuesday" morning preacher.  I preached on the call of Gideon last week--Judges 6.11-32.  Instead of pontificating about everything I wish I had said, I think I'll just reiterate the things that I felt were most important.  Each sermon I preach there are a few things that stick out to me more than others...these are basically quotes from the sermon: With Jesus and Jesus with us.  Following Jesus is never about us. [...]

By |Categories: Re:Sermon|

Damascus Road Church is coming to Snohomish

WHAT IS THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH? We believe our mission is to live out the Great Commandment as we fulfill the Great Commission.  The gospel forms us into a family of families and sends us on mission into the world. Specifically, we believe we are called to make disciples and plant churches.  This commitment requires a conviction that the Great Commission can be accomplished and will be completed.  Furthermore, it requires that pastors and [...]

By |Categories: Church Plant Lessons 101|

“Who were you carrying the stone for?”

Three of the most terrifying verses in the Bible for anyone who claims to be Christians is Matthew 7.21-23:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works [...]

By |Categories: Re:Sermon|

There is no such thing as a FAITH-CATION

As the 3-day memorial day weekend looms, the mind of a pastor can often wander into places that are not healthy. The unending flow of twitter updates and Facebook posts praising various vacation destinations, Instagram photos of amusement park rides they're about to go on, and an inbox full of forgetful folks requesting "subs" to fill spots on Sunday serve only to further deepen the anxiety.  This is certainly not a healthy place for a pastor [...]

By |Categories: Note to Self...and Others|

Monday Morning Preacher: Only Two Ways to Live (Judges 6)

The first 10 verses of Judges chapter 6 are probably ones that most readers will spend little time considering.  The average reader of Judges (and their aren’t too many) would rather skip ahead to verse 11 for the “action” of Gideon and his “300” begins to unfold.  A careful reading of Judges 6 makes these first verses feel  somewhat parenthetical, almost like a speed bump in thought before entering the main thoroughfare.  There are no accidental anecdotes in [...]

By |Categories: Re:Sermon|

Monday Morning Preacher: Stop Singing in the Shower

I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD.Psalm 40.1-3 I preached on the Song of Deborah (Judges 5) [...]

By |Categories: Re:Sermon|

Monday Morning Preacher: a Judge, a soldier, and a harlot…

Ugh. Rarely do I ever write a sermon that I don't completely rewrite in my mind AFTER I have preached it. This not only evidences the richness of God's immeasurably deep word, it also probably evidences my own desire to try and control more than I actually can.  God is in control and speaks what he wants, when he wants, through and to whom he wants, despite me. Nevertheless, God has graced me a blog [...]

By |Categories: Re:Sermon|

Monday Morning Preacher: Ehud Redux

I can't stop thinking about Ehud.  It seems that, with every text I preach, I discover that there are probably seven other ways it could have been preached.  Alas, the richness of God's Word--it can never be fully comprehended or sufficiently proclaimed.Regarding Ehud, there is another meaningful truth that can easily get lost in the delightfully disturbing narrative.  Though Ehud pretended to be many things, though his ruse was full of creative acting, the one role [...]

By |Categories: Re:Sermon|

Explict Ehud (The Unrated Version)

Before you continue reading, you’ll want to listen or read the sermon on Judges 3.12-30.  After preaching this sermon many asked, or were thinking, ‘Did he just say what I think he said?”  The answer is probably "yes". Unfortunately, we live in a sensationalistic world where even preachers proclaim God’s Word in such a way that they believe they have the power.  They add clever jokes, funny illustrations, or emphasize the most sensationalistic details of text [...]

By |Categories: Re:Sermon|

Monday Morning Preacher: The Tomb is Empty…still

I was humbled and honored to proclaim the same message that has been preached since the first Easter in AD33: Jesus alive, Jesus killed, Jesus alive again forevermore!  For over 2,000 years, the story has not changed. Jesus came alive and the tomb is still empty. It will be empty tomorrow too. The sermon I preached, challenges everyone to ask what "day" they live life on. Those who do not believe the gospel can't and won't get [...]

By |Categories: Church Plant Lessons 101, Re:Sermon|

A Wonderfully Bad Saturday

Friday brought shock.  Saturday brought sadness.  I have tried hard to imagine what Jesus' disciples must have felt on Saturday morning.  It would have been the Sabbath, so they didn't have any work to keep them busy or distract them from the disillusionment they felt. In other words, they had a lot of time to be by themselves, or with on another, in sorrowful disbelief. Though Jesus had been fairly explicit (on several occasions) about what [...]

By |Categories: Church Plant Lessons 101, Re:Sermon|

A Terribly Good Friday

For his anger is for a moment, and his favor for a lifetime.  Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. (Psalm 30.5) As I tucked my kids into bed last night, I reminded them that this (Thursday) was the night that Jesus ate his final meal with his friends before he would be arrested and murdered.  I have tried to imagine what Jesus was feeling knowing that within hours, one [...]

By |Categories: Random Thoughts, Re:Sermon|

Monday Morning Preacher: Judges 2.7-11

Never satisfied.  I wonder if I will always feel that way about my sermons.  I remember reading that Charles Spurgeon, regularly wept after sermons out of fear of having dishonored the Lord unintentionally.  If the "Prince of Preachers" struggled with sermon contentment, then I can expect this "pauper of preachers" to live in the same tension.  Preaching is hard and pastors are their worst critics.  Unlike many occupations, results are not always immediate--fruit takes time [...]

By |Categories: Re:Sermon|

Church Planting Lesson #30: Every Jesus has his Judas, every Paul his Demas

I have been reading a book titled Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor:  The Life and Reflections of Tom Carson. The book is written by his son, and well-known scholar, D.A. Carson.  Essentially, the book is a biography describing the ministry of a faithful "small town" pastor. He never speaks at a conference, never writes a book, never has thousands of "fans", never leads a mega church, and really never realizes his full vision. It is [...]

By |Categories: Church Plant Lessons 101|

Monday Morning Preacher: Judges 1.1-2.6

The second sermon in our series on Judges, titled {UN}faithfulness, centers on the progressive, but deliberate, disobedience of God's people.  The video can be found here.  The passage contains a lot of verses, 41 to be exact.  It is not often we read that many verses in a service, but whenever I do, there is deep level of satisfaction as the my finite words are drowned out by the eternal words of Scripture.  It reminds me of [...]

By |Categories: Re:Sermon|

Monday Morning Preacher: Paul & Timothy

Last Sunday was our final sermon in the four-part "Paul & series".  The series focused on what we consider to be our "family traits"—the essential qualities that we hope characterize the people of Damascus Road Church.  I say hope because we're sinners and will, until we die, consistently fall short of God's glory.  In other words, we will never perfectly exemplify these traits as we ought; in this life they are disciplined pursuits we aim [...]

By |Categories: Re:Sermon|

Friday Funny: Tithing


We foolishly showed these videos in a service once. I say foolish, not because it isn't true. I say it simply because a discerning person (or pastor) knows that just because you can doesn't me you should. Still makes me laugh though.

By |Categories: Random Thoughts|

Isolation is not just distance from God’s people

It continues to sadden, but not surprise me, when people deny, reject, or otherwise abandon that which the Bible says they need.  I am talking about biblical, gospel-centered, community. There have been many times that shepherds, like myself, have "left the 99" to chase after the one sheep who has wandered. Sometimes this proves fruitful.  Most of the time, it is disappointing and draining. Then if, after much time and energy spent, the exasperated shepherd [...]

By |Categories: Church Plant Lessons 101, Note to Self...and Others|

From The Pursuit of God

The doctrine of justification by faith—a Biblical truth, and a blessed relief from sterile legalism and unavailing self-effort—has in our time fallen into evil company and been interpreted by many in such manner as actually to bar men from the knowledge of God. The whole transaction of religious conversion has been made mechanical and spiritless. Faith may now be exercised without a jar to the moral life and without embarrassment to the Adamic ego. Christ [...]

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