Simple thoughts on God, Jesus, and the Bible
John 1.1-4: Doctrine Matters
This week we began our series titled ASSURANCE, a 14-week traipse through the three letters of John. The letters of John are essentially a basic introduction to New Testament Theology. Unlike a traditional letter, John begins his by establishing his authority to teach as an eyewitness to Jesus. False teaching wolves have infiltrated the flock and are now leading sheep astray and away into new grazing fields. These are the fields are full of ear-tickling false doctrine, specifically, a false understanding of who Jesus is. Paul warned in 2Corinthians 11 of false teachers coming with "another Jesus, another spirit, and another gospel" , and in these letters, we read how a 90+ year old "Son of Thunder" faces them head on. Like often happens today, persuasive wolves have drawn people out of a gospel-centered community and started their own church. John carefully delineates between these two churches, a new false [...]