A smorgasbord of random musings, confessions, and dreams
Joshua Six and Six Different Sermons
Last week I preached on Joshua 6, The Battle of Jericho. The more I study and preach God's Word, the more I learn how deep you can drill it for truth. With every sermon I preach, I am forced to emphasize one part of the text, one verse, or one them at the expense of another. Deciding what to emphasize is difficult as it means certain death (-cide) to whatever you choose not to emphasize. Joshua 6 is no exception. I could have preached six unique sermons out of this one chapter, all emphasizing a different and equally powerful truth. As I personally have heard a hundred sermons over my life asking, "What is your Jericho?", focusing on God's victory over impossible odds, I choose instead to focus on God's Holiness. Of course, if you are really going to hit God's Holiness than you are required to really hit man's [...]