A smorgasbord of random musings, confessions, and dreams
Without promise, without guarantee (Josh. 14)
Caleb is one of the studliest men in Scripture. There is not a ton dedicated to Caleb, but the short narratives in Numbers 13/14 and Joshua 14 provide a convicting picture of faith for any Christian. If Joshua is the example of a faithful General and leader, Caleb provides us an example of a faithful soldier and disciple. SOME OF US will be called to be Joshua’s, but ALL OF US are called to be Caleb's. We first read about Caleb well before he was a battle-hardened 85 year old; when he was a young sprite of 40 in the wilderness on the edge Canaan. He was among the 12 men chosen by Moses, representing the 12 tribes, to spy out the Promised Land for 40 days. He represented the tribe of Judah. Joshua also went to represent the tribe of Ephraim. When the group returned, a faithless majority reported that, [...]