Lessons from 15 years of planting, preaching, and pastoring.

Church Planting Lesson #11: Flaming Emails

2021-07-04T18:16:19+00:00By |Church Plant Lessons 101, Note to Self...and Others|

LESSON #11:  FLAMING EMAILS BURN PEOPLEI process through writing.  When dealing with a conflict or difficult question, I'll often write down a response in 5-10 pages--it's cathartic, kind of like this blog.  As our culture has moved more and more into the world of written communication, I have developed a love hate relationship with email.  Email can be both good and bad.  Like facebook, blogs, or twitter, email alows you to say things that you wouldn't often say in front of others.  Granted, expressing opinions, especially negative ones, have been around since we've had the written word.  But email has made our comments fly out much quicker, farther, and remain their much longer than many times we would.  And, because 90% of our communication is non-verbal (tone, facial expressions, etc.), we often end up communicating things we don't intend to communicate or failing to express what we're really trying to [...]

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