Below are ten questions (five twice-over) I dare any man to ask his bride.  Unfortunately, I know most men won’t because you already know the answer–and it will be difficult to hear.  You’ll notice, they are not YES or NO questions, meaning, you will actually have to discuss the answer.   And know that, as Jesus is THE HUSBAND, when we fail to love and lead like Jesus does, we preach false sermons about Jesus.  In other words, our failure to be true husbands isn’t just unfortunate or regrettable, it sinful.  We don’t need better skills as much as we need confession and the power of Jesus to overcome the sin in us:

1.  Do you feel pursued by me or ignored by me? (When/how do you feel most pursued?)

2. Do you feel led by me or as if you have to lead me? (Where  am I not leading?)

3. Do you feel protected (emotionally, physically, spiritually) or insecure with me? (Where do you feel vulnerable?)

4. Do you feel served by me or like a servant to me?  (Where can I serve you more or better?)

5. Do you feel cultivated by me or neglected? (How can I build you up, encourage, or teach you?)

…Ok.  I’m convicted now.